- -Pride in what we do
- -Optimization of energy, time, business
- -Scientific approach
- -Recognition
- -Responsibility and care
- -Professionalism
Company's history
We all experience some turning points in our lives. They divide time into BEFORE and AFTER. The turning point for the VILAVI founders, Dmitry Laevsky and Inna Sushkova, came when they got stuck in a huge traffic jam on New Year's Eve 2009.
Several hours spent in the middle of snow storm, surrounded by strangers, their faces, gazes and fates. Long conversation about life, about the past and the future. That’s when the idea of a multi-level marketing was suggested for the first time. That’s when they decided to bring energy and sparkling, joyful and endless youth to people.
They joined the business as ordinary representatives, and quickly reached the top ranks, built thousands of organizations in an international MLM-company and traveled halfway around the world gathering experience. Being the representatives and co-founders of a large MLM-company, and the owners of their own business, they learnt the business structure from inside.
The story of Tayga8 products line began quite unusual. In 2014 Dmitry Laevsky suffered a stroke. That changed the usual course of life as he was paralyzed, lost his speech and partially his memory, he was taking strong medications. After he had spent a year like that, Dmitry decided to change everything, give up the medications and find something natural and safe that could help him to recover.
In July 2015 Dmitry received a letter from the Solagran company of Tomsk. They offered him to consider their fir needles substances – polyprenols and fir cell juice – as the ingredients for our products. The technology of obtaining these ingredients is a know-how, nothing similar in the whole world. Studying the materials of clinical trials, Dmitry found out that polyprenols have a neuroprotective effect. This was the thing that he needed most at that moment.
July 2015
Dmitry started to take polyprenols and drink fir cell juice in July 2015, in August he already gave up some of the medications, and in three weeks he stopped taking the rest of them. The results came quickly – he got his memory and speech back, overcame the depression. Nearly all signs of a stroke were permanently gone. Dmitry has actually got his life back, the life before the disease. He rides his bike again, actively runs his business and lives his full life.
December 2015
It wasn't just neuroprotection — Dmitry felt more awake, stronger and more energetic. He understood that if this had helped him then surely other people also needed it. And so the idea to create Tayga8 was born: tasty and healthy drinks in stylish packs which are nice to hold in hands. A lot of experts were involved in their creation — from biochemists to the best specialists in marketing and positioning.
2016 was marked by an official start of Tayga8 products line. The first two products — Extra and Blend — appeared on sale and caused a sensation in the industry.
New products appear in Tayga8 line: Splash and Black Edition special limited series. More and more partners join the Company, showrooms and representation offices are opened in new cities.
2018 became the year of a new qualitative stage in the history of VILAVI. The range of products has expanded to include new developments of production engineers:
— T8 BLACK OUT marmalade with relaxing effect
— Fulvic acid concentrate, the first on the market, with the branded FulXP Complex STONE
— T8 TEO breakthrough weight control formula
More great events in the future, more breakthrough products and new chievements
VILAVI launched two new product lines, the audience immediately fell in love with:
— OMO DEUS professional cosmetic products for home use
— T8 ERA — for optimization of your inner resources
The Company arranges two incredible events:
— VILAVI GO — the Company's Birthday, a new look, new opportunities, new tools and absolutely new level of business
— OPTIMYZER — the community of people who know how to get their bodies, energy and time optimized
The Company launches an innovative educational and interactive project:
— Vilavi.Wiki informational and dynamic portal
— interactive tutorial based on artificial intelligence, chatbots and Telegram platform -
VILAVI launches new products:
— T8 ViSEPT and T8 ViROMA for protection against viruses and bacteria
— T8 MOBIO to optimize bowel function
— T8 ViTEN to optimize immunity
The company is hosting the first major online conference OPTIMYZER — a community of people who know how to optimize their body, energy and time
The company continues to develop the engaging ChatMe project, an informative and educational online portal Vilavi.Wiki, and launches a new tool — the BeMe system. BeMe is an automated system built on the principle of a funnel for involving and training newcomers. -
Мы формулируем наше позиционирование:
VILAVI — первое в мире экспертное сообщество по митохондриальному здоровью, которое помогает оптимизировать ресурсы организма с применением MITO-программ.
Мы запускаем 6 новых продуктов:
— первую в мире MITO-программу, направленную на оптимизацию ресурсов организма MITO BASE;
— очки Blue Blocker Т8 STЁKLA;
— функциональный продукт здорового питания с экстрактом граната и SibXP Complex T8 MIT UP;
— новые вкусы батончиков T8 BOOM MIX;
— капли для коррекции pH-баланса воды T8 DROPS;
— энергопротеиновую смесь на основе горохового протеина, МСТ-масла и кокосового молока Т8 TO GO.
Мы продолжаем развивать свои проекты и инструменты:
— автоматизированный инструмент для вовлечения новичков ChatMe был обновлен новым русско- и англоязычным контентом в связи с новым позиционированием;
— на основе бизнес-системы BeMe был запущен третий модуль Академии Сверхчеловека, посвященный митохондриальному здоровью;
— проект Optimyzer стал ежемесячным обучающим онлайн событием для всех представителей компании с приглашенными экспертами в сферах здоровья, бизнеса, продаж и прокачки личностных навыков;
— на ежемесячной основе проводились марафоны по низкоуглеводному стилю питания LCHF при поддержке врача-диетолога.
Sales of new products have started:
— T8 SLEEPY innovative strips with the complex action to normalize sleep and reduce stress;
— limited collection of Blue Blocker T8 STELLA glasses in a green frame;
OPTIMYZER online conference is consistently a monthly event, the conference topic has expanded to include the business direction.
Workshops on low-carb LCHF nutrition style and lifestyle changes are held each month with the support of a nutritionist-endocrinologist.
PRODUCT SKILL training workshops are regularly held, where the company's products and tools are studied in detail, video lectures are delivered by the company's leaders in high ranks and real work cases are analyzed. -
We have released new products:
– shampoo, hair mask balm and OMODEUS shower gel, we also rebranded alginate masks — changed packaging, naming and prepared clear, beautiful marketing materials;
– a line of 4 flavors of T8 ERA TO GO energy protein blends;
– source of natural fiber T8 TEO GREEN;
– a functional product for maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system, improving performance and activating mitochondria T8 BEET SHOT;
– source of chlorophyllin from environmentally friendly needles for detoxification and reduction of inflammation T8 FEEL;
– a tool for determining the Omega-3 index — O! Test;
– limited New Year's collection — tea drink T8 ERA TAYGA TEA and T8 ERA LCHF-CHOCO;
– new models of branded T-shirts and VILAVI shaker.
We conducted monthly activities for partners: challenges, sweepstakes, marathons and the grandest EXTRA July, when we celebrated the birthday of our flagship product — T8 EXTRA 90% with prizes, gifts, special offers and complete delight.
We have presented more than 50 prizes in contests and sweepstakes on our social networks.
We have held a series of offline PRO Mito conferences in 7 cities of Russia, as well as in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. In parallel with the conferences, we also held meetings of our Business Club. As a result, more than 3,000 guests attended the "live" events during the year!
Our premium events were successful and bright — CRYSTAL DREAM and GOLDEN SECTION in Dubai (UAE), BON VOYAGE in Sri Lanka, VILAVI CAMP in Georgia.
We have improved the delivery system so that you receive your parcels faster and more conveniently: deliveries to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have been optimized, a new warehouse has been opened in Moscow, and the Boxberry courier service has been connected to delivery.
We expanded the functionality in the Personal Account, improved the structure of the description of goods on the site, connected a new payment service so that the order processing process was clearer and more comfortable, so that working with the team was more efficient.
We were delighted with your success! In 2023, DRIVE CLUB VILAVI has grown by 14 new members! Branded cars first appeared in Turkey and Kyrgyzstan. In the "Money for a Purpose" program, 7 participants have fully fulfilled all the conditions and are already fulfilling their cherished desires!
And, of course, we communicated with you a lot and with pleasure — we answered almost 23 thousand written messages and more than 10 thousand incoming calls.
multilevel-marketing companies of Russia.
This is another reason to learn more about our business,
and it's just the beginning!