In the New year with new rules. Activate more than all newcomers «Business» and get a summer discount for the entire year 2020!
From 02.01.2020 to 01.02.2020 inclusive, activate the maximum number of newcomers on «Business». The first 3 people who attract the most new partners (only for «Business» - contract) will receive a discount on the cost of absolutely any product (except related products), equal to the number of activated newcomers in January. 1 new partner = 1% discount!
The more activations — the greater the discount! The discount is valid for exactly 11 periods. Build a team, get a discount on products and increase your turnover!
• 1st place — purchase at a discount is limited to 300 PV in one period.
• 2nd place — purchase at a discount is limited to 200 PV in one period.
• 3rd place — purchase at a discount is limited to 100 PV in one period.